English Lads at Manchester Pride 2011 - August 2011
This was the first time that myself and the lads have gone to Manchester Pride and it was a fantastic experience completely different from Brighton a few weeks before. We based ourselves at Manto's bar (thank you to all of them for making us feel so welcome) and we set upon Canal Street to enjoy some of the fun it had to offer; I can tell you the northern lads really know how to have fun!! Massively different to Brighton in the respect that the main parts of the day were based in all the bars which literally are all in that neat little row making it very easy for us to pop in and visit everyone. We tried our hand at Pole Dancing in one of the bars, think we need a bit more practice! So all in all I left London with Justin at 8am and got back at 11.30pm, we all had a great day check out some of the photo's.

Thanks Manchester, see you next year, Zack

What a day!! Well I say a day; I started on the Saturday morning but didn’t get home until the following Tuesday. Don’t ask as this is all I remember...

We started off the Saturday morning in Manto Bar on Canal Street, which used as a base for signing brochures, meeting fans and members of English Lads; some of which I now have a soft spot for, and after a few drinks one or two treated themselves with a cheeky handful of our packs, which to be honest I didn’t mind at all.

Once the typical northern rain calmed and the sun came out, we ventured out into the crowds on the main street, by which time the Pride street parade was just drawing to an end. Just like Brighton Pride there were plenty of photos, sweet kisses, and cheeky gropes. I found that Manchester comes out of it shell more once the drinks start kicking in, as they came across as all shy at first and then BANG NO MERCY! They will get there kiss, picture or anything else they want from you! I loved it!

This time round we didn’t manage to get to the main stage or see any of the headlining acts as time just seemed to fly by, but we did get to meet some great people and have such laugh. As much as I love going to most of the pride events across the UK, I have always found that Manchester Pride is one of the best. Not only does it have countless amounts of beer tents and venues with great vibes, there is also plenty of hot talent too.

Thank you to all the members that we met, as it was great for us to actually meet you guys too. If we didn’t see you at one of the pride events this year I’m sure we will meet at another up and coming event very soon. Danny

Thank you to James Wilkinson for hanging around with the lads and taking the photos below.

Tags: manchester, pride,